Become a Foster, They Rely Upon Us
Every action you take is the difference.
When volunteering with our organization, you can be assured that your valuable time will make a difference in saving Dane lives. If you do choose to contact us about becoming a volunteer, completion of our orientation and confidentiality agreement will be required. Please fill out the form below to become a volunteer. Volunteering for us can be done remotely.
Fostering goes beyond helping an individual Great Dane. It helps fight the problems with overpopulation, high-kill shelters, and animal abuse. Be their helping hand to a forever home so they can experience what love is. We need fosters all over the United States.
Volunteer Opportunities
Working applications (home checks, vet reference checks, personal checks, etc.)
Making appointments (must be available during working days and hours)
Vet Tech Coordinator
Vet Coordinator in Shelter Manager (keeping the database up to date)
Social Media Manager/Helpers
And many other opportunities. We are open to you telling us how you can help our mission, get in contact with us through whichever application suits your skill set to make a difference. Additionally, experience with Google software is a bonus as we primarily use many of their services. We look forward to being in touch with you.
Foster Expectations
No abuse by our fosters will be tolerated.
Team Rocky expects our fosters to give the dog in foster care some basic training.
The foster must give updates to Team Rocky on how the foster dog is doing.
The foster must provide a bio and pictures of the foster dog.
Team Rocky pays all medical expenses, the foster provides toys, food, care, and love to the dog in foster care.
The foster dog must stay within your home as a foster and not be sold, rehomed, gifted, or given away to a third party.
If you have a vacation or out of town plans, you must notify us and have an alternate plan of stay for us to approve. Team Rocky Enterprises Inc does not pay for alternate plans of stay.
The foster must provide adequate care via proper nutrition, shelter, attention, and interaction.
The foster dog will be an inside dog, not an outside dog.
The foster must give the foster dog 2 weeks of decompression time to their new environment as they can be fearful and show unusual signs of aggression in new environments. This means no introductions during this period of time.
Introductions must be done in this order: slow parallel walks, introduction on neutral ground within your backyard with dropped leashes, slow indoor introductions with no food or toys present, then you may start acclimating them at their own pace.
For decompression or when a problem arises, you must have a baby gate or some form of a barrier to separate the foster dog from other dogs if there are any.
The foster dog cannot be tied up outside.
The foster must provide routine medical care.
The foster dog may not be taken to a dog park as we do not want any unnecessary situations arising.
The foster may never walk the dog off-leash unless they're in a fenced-in dog walk.
The foster may never use a shock or pinch collar on the foster dog.
If you are no longer able to foster, you are to give Team Rocky at least 30 days to find another foster home for the dog.
If our fosters want to adopt a dog they are fostering, they have the first choice to adopt for a 2 week time period starting when they receive the dog. Afterward, the foster dog will be available for adoption to all applicants that are processed successfully. Some may call it a foster failure, we like to call it retroactive adoption for the heck of it.
Our Values
Teamwork makes the dream-work. Continuous innovation and the feeling of a family are important to how our organization functions.
Commitment to making a difference and improving the lives of those that some have neglected is why SRGDRR was created. We step up when others step down.
Providing the best quality of care while finding the best solution to the problem at hand is always our goal. Additionally, being honest and accountable are values we want to be known for.
Our boldness to take action and want results are evidence that we care. We want to be urgent in our mission while continuously learning and improving in our field.